
Instructions to set up your Avalanche node.



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sudo apt-get install wget jq -y

Get Binaries

Check the appropriate version for the network accordingly in their docs or choose the latest release

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# This is an example - check their docs and release page to opt for the right version
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# This is an example - check their docs and release page to opt for the right version
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# verify correct versions
# create a temp dir for binaries
cd $HOME
mkdir binaries && cd binaries
# get avalanchego binary and rename
wget https://github.com/ava-labs/avalanchego/releases/download/$AVALANCHEGO/avalanchego-linux-amd64-$AVALANCHEGO.tar.gz
tar -xvf avalanchego-linux-amd64-$AVALANCHEGO.tar.gz
rm avalanchego-linux-amd64-$AVALANCHEGO.tar.gz
cd avalanchego-$AVALANCHEGO
# make binaries executable
chmod +x *
# move to usr bin
sudo mv * /usr/bin/
# get out of binaries directory
cd $HOME
# verify version
avalanchego --version

Set environment variables

Note: Update your shell profile in accordance with the shell you are using

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echo export NETWORK_ID=mainnet >> $HOME/.profile
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echo export NETWORK_ID=fuji >> $HOME/.profile

Apply your changes

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source $HOME/.profile

Create services

Use systemctl to set up service for avalanchego.


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sudo tee <<EOF >/dev/null /etc/systemd/system/avalanchego.service
Description=Avalanche daemon
ExecStart=/usr/bin/avalanchego --http-host= --network-id=$NETWORK_ID
# verify and enable
cat /etc/systemd/system/avalanchego.service
sudo systemctl enable avalanchego

Start the service

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sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart avalanchego

Check logs

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# change log settings to persistent if not already
sed -i 's/#Storage=auto/Storage=persistent/g' /etc/systemd/journald.conf
sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald
journalctl -u avalanchego.service -f -n 100 -o cat

Logs should appear like this

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[11-28|07:50:59.280] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:481 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 85000, "numTotalBlocks": 3241631, "eta": "1h52m8s"}
[11-28|07:51:13.370] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:481 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 90000, "numTotalBlocks": 3241631, "eta": "1h53m58s"}
[11-28|07:51:29.644] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:481 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 95000, "numTotalBlocks": 3241631, "eta": "1h56m46s"}
[11-28|07:51:43.864] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:481 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 100000, "numTotalBlocks": 3241631, "eta": "1h58m12s"}
[11-28|07:51:52.789] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:481 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 105000, "numTotalBlocks": 3241631, "eta": "1h56m50s"}
[11-28|07:52:06.814] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:481 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 110000, "numTotalBlocks": 3241631, "eta": "1h58m0s"}
[11-28|07:52:17.979] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:481 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 115000, "numTotalBlocks": 3241631, "eta": "1h57m45s"}
[11-28|07:52:31.488] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:481 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 120000, "numTotalBlocks": 3241631, "eta": "1h58m31s"}
[11-28|07:52:40.475] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:481 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 125000, "numTotalBlocks": 3241631, "eta": "1h57m20s"}
[11-28|07:52:53.462] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:481 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 130000, "numTotalBlocks": 3241631, "eta": "1h57m49s"}


Terminal window
YOUR_IP=$(curl -4 ifconfig.co)
curl -X POST --data '{
"id" :1,
"method" :"info.isBootstrapped",
"params": {
}' -H 'content-type:application/json;' $YOUR_IP:9650/ext/info | jq

If you get something like this in response of the above rpc call, your node is setup correctly

Wait for isBootstrapped to become true before using it in vald config

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"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"isBootstrapped": false # wait for it to become true
"id": 1


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echo "${YOUR_IP}:9650/ext/bc/C/rpc"

Configure vald

In order for vald to connect to your Avalanche node, your rpc_addr should be exposed in vald’s config.toml

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start-with-bridge = true
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start-with-bridge = true

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